Success Stories
Here we invite you to see some updates from some of our brilliant adopters who’ve wanted to share how their Greys are getting on. Will we see your Story here one day?
Gavin (Charlotte S)
This is Gav aka Gavin, he stole my heart the first day I met him, and every day since. He has finally joined our family and he’s such a good, loving boy, I wouldn’t be without him, Meg loves him too.

Ozil (Priya S)
Just wanted to say how Ozzy has fitted into our family, and we couldn’t picture life without him. He’s the loveliest boy ever and he completes our family.

Stella (Julie W)
Stella came to live with us just over 6 years ago as a very nervous girl who didn’t have a clue about life in a home, or with a family. We let her just slowly work things out at her own pace and with lots of love and patience she blossomed. Stella is a big gentle girl who has slotted into our lives and completed our family. She’s become a happy, loving, lazy and cheeky girl and life is so much better by having her in it. Greyhounds really are just big gentle giants who just need a big sofa, lots of love and plenty of tasty treats.

Blu Bear & Portia (Beth Ann)
Blu Bear came into our lives in August 2018 after a long two years of our son proving he could keep his room clean for a dog!! We had never thought of greyhounds until we walked one elsewhere while in our search. We were then told about Dunrunnin and paid the lovely Karen a visit. We walked three gorgeous dogs, very different colours and temperaments, and we all had a different favourite so went home to think about it. We returned with our daughter three days later and walked the same dogs stating we had to agree on who. I was praying they’d choose my favourite who I felt had chosen me, and along the walk we made our decisions. Little did I know, while I had popped to the loo, our son had also been chosen. When we got back to Karen we all told her the name of the dog and we ALL had been chosen by Blu Bear!! That velvet bag of elbows has transformed our lives and many, many others as she is so knowing and so calm that I trained her as a therapy dog. For the past five years she has come to school at least once a week where her paw of more and nose nudge of ‘it’s ok’ has improved the lives of many, but mostly us as a family. Six months after getting Blu we were chosen by an adorable, nervous spook called Portia. She chose my husband and was ok that Blu was boss and happy to follow her lead. Two different temperatures and colours, one great breed. The love and comfort these dogs bring into a home is something money can’t buy. Our home is complete, and our holidays in this country are the best as my two fur babies Blu Bear and Portia are family. Go for it – change your life for the better and adopt a greyhound

Beckie (Val J)
As many volunteers and staff know, Beckie was a bit of a difficult dog to rehome, she’d had one failed attempt and as a result became even more nervous. She is a girl frightened of the outside world, and even a truck going past the end the driveway had her cowering in fear.
We were not looking to adopt, but we’re only looking to foster and Geoff on hearing this said ”I’ve got the perfect one for you” and dragged Beckie out from her bed (her favourite place). We decided we would foster her and within 24 hours we became “failed fosterers”. She is the perfect dog for us and slowly is becoming a much more secure and confident girl.
Dunrunnin knew she needed patient and experienced Grey owners and paired us up with the perfect dog. We wouldn’t be without our Princess Beckie now.

Arthur & Suzie (Holly M)
We adopted Arthur in 2018 and he fit into our lives so easily. He was nothing but a lazy, cuddly and happy boy. He got us through the pandemic by keeping us sane with our daily walks, and he never had issues when we gradually returned to work! After a couple of house moves and settling into our new and permanent home, we decided we needed another hound in our lives, so in 2023 we decided to adopt Suzie! She is lively, cuddly and hilarious… despite being the opposite to Arthur they live happily together and keep each other company. We love our hounds so much, and can’t imagine being without them! People are always so interested to hear about their history and we love to talk about them ❤️ they really are the best breed ever.

Meg (Charlotte S)
Our beautiful Megs was an older girl, almost 7 when we got her. A shy and quiet girl, she has such a personality now. She loves the walks in the woods and loves to put her feet up and rest on the sofa. We wouldn’t be without her, she has made our family complete.

Darcy (Ellie W)