Home a Hound

Meet the four-legged members of the Dunrunnin family! Each of our current residents has their own profile where you can read about their individual personalities, likes and dislikes.

We’re very fond of all our dogs and we pride ourselves on how well we get to know them during their stay with us. We think this knowledge is the key to matching a greyhound to their new home successfully.

Whether you live in a flat in a busy town or in the country, whether you have a large family of children or live alone, whether you work full time or are home all day, whether you already have cats and dogs or whether this will be your very first pet, the Dunrunnin rehoming team will work with you to help you to choose a greyhound that will be best suited to your individual circumstances.

If you could offer a loving home to one of the following dogs, please pay us a visit to come and meet them in person!

Showing all 19 results

  • Ace

    Racing Name: Sophies Ace

    Date of Birth: October 2017

    A lovely tall and undoubtedly handsome chap is Ace πŸ™‚Β  A gentle and happy soul who walks nicely and has great manners around the kennels. He is a lanky lad but very sweet natured and no complaints from us here so far. Not yet been tested outside of the kennel environment but we’re sure he’ll take it all with good grace. He is a bit older than our average retiree but you wouldn’t know either by looks or actions. A lovely boy πŸ™‚

  • Arrow

    Racing Name: Hazelwood Arrow

    Date of Birth: April 2019

    Arrow came in with his sister Bow, don’t think he’s the brains of the duo tbh but both are super happy dogs and so far are enjoying every minute of their retirement (except for the baths they had a couple of days ago!). A handsome chap who has, so far, walked like a dream and although excited to see people, has good manners and a happy demeanour πŸ™‚ Met the terrier and matched Bugley with his enthusiasm to greet! Yes, it was a tangle of leads and energy. Not been out and about yet but we are sure he’s going to smash it. One to watch!

  • Bobby

    Racing Name: Geneva Bobby

    Date of Birth: May 2022

    A striking young lad who has only just joined us here at the kennels. Has been a little stressed with the move but still walks nicely and is enjoying getting out in the woods for a walk. He’s still such a young man, he has much to learn but would learn quickly in the right home. He may blossom with an older, calm doggie friend to show him the ropes. Was excited by the terrier but not aggressive, so maybe another grey or a larger breed. He really is a super boy who has all the makings of a great pet πŸ™‚

  • Bow

    Racing Name: Hazelwood Fainne

    Date of Birth: April 2019

    Hasn’t stopped wagging her short tail since she came in the gate, got to love this girly πŸ™‚ Came in with her brother Arrow and whilst not the most aesthetically pleasing at the moment with her shaggy coat, we are sure she will turn into the proverbial swan. Whilst much smaller than him, she is definitely the brains of the duo. Loving her walks in our local woods and behaving like a proper little lady πŸ™‚ Just like her brother, was super excited to meet Bugley the terrier but was over loving rather than any hostility. Although she’s not been yet, we’re sure she’s going to love the park and the big wide world beyond the kennels – but is the world ready for this over happy girl lol. If you want fun Bow could be your perfect match πŸ™‚

  • Cruella

    Racing Name: Valleys Devil

    Date of Birth: September 2021

    Cruella wasn’t cut out for racing – far too scatty to concentrate for that long lol A great young girl who shares her joy de vivre with all and sundry πŸ™‚ Can’t help but love this girl, her happiness is infectious! Cruella may be a bit of a handful to start with but she has a shy side and this may help the transition to a home. Got to love her coz she loves you πŸ™‚

  • Dory

    Racing Name: Annagh Rosie

    Date of Birth: May 2020

    Dory is a bit of a scruff bag at the moment but will blossom once she loses her winter woollies πŸ™‚ A great girl who is confident enough but not over the top. A happy girly who walks well once the initial excitement is over and is enjoying her walks a lot. Dory is a super likeable and uncomplicated girl who, we are sure will make a great companion, either as an only dog or with company. Nothing bad to say about this girl πŸ™‚

  • George

    Racing Name: Exceed

    Date of Birth: April 2022

    Only small for a boy but packed full of charm πŸ™‚ Walks like a dream, although he’s only done our local walks so far. Was a little scared of Bugley the terrier if the truth is known (although I’m sure he wouldn’t admit it πŸ™‚ ) I think backing up and hiding behind Lauren’s legs gave it away!! Is trying desperately to get his kennel mate to play with him, but she’s having none of it lol A super young chap who will be full of fun once he blossoms – a great boy πŸ™‚

  • Jet

    Racing Name: Joyful Jet

    Date of Birth: September 2019

    Jet can be a little miss scaredy pants and takes her cues from her handler. Not a fan of heavy traffic but will walk nicely with a confident human. She is super relaxed in the woods and on quieter roads (apart from the pesky squirrels that is lol). Jet can be a real cuddle monster given the chance and enjoys human company. She could live with another larger breed or another grey quite happily and may benefit from a confident doggy pal. A beautiful girly who needs us to find her the perfect home.

  • Messi

    Racing Name: Baran Messi

    Date of Birth: April 2021

    What a pretty boy, easily mistaken for a girly πŸ™‚ He was a bit shy the first day but soon realised we were friends not foe and is becoming a bouncy, happy chap. Walks nicely for our volunteers and is so good with his quirky kennel mate. Met Bugley the terrier and wasn’t bothered by him at all. Can be a bit protective of his food (although he’s a fussy boy!) but nothing dreadful. So far seems a really nice boy, not been out except around the kennels walks to date, but has been a real sweetie with everything he has done so far πŸ™‚

  • Jovi

    Racing Name: Call Back Jack

    Date of Birth: October 2019

    Already on the favorites list from our volunteers to walk, a happy chap who couldn’t be more polite on his lead and around the kennels. Not big for a boy but what he lacks in stature he makes up for in manners. Tested well with the terrier, in fact couldn’t care less!! No idea why we’ve still got this super amenable chap, such a great hound! We’re sure he’s going to make a super addition to someones household πŸ™‚

  • Patsy

    Racing Name: Run on Patsy

    Date of Birth: March 2020

    A pretty little girl but a big personality! Patsy loves humans and is a real love bug. Quick to reprimand any grey or any dog (the reaction is the same to any breed) who invades her space, just a warning to leave her alone. Settles well with her kennel mates once she has set down the boundaries, knows her own mind this girl πŸ™‚ Can be a little strong out walking as she loves a squirrel! Not a super difficult girl, just needs some time and rules.

  • Ping

    Racing Name: Weeping Sky

    Date of Birth: February 2018

    Ping has been in a home and has returned due to a change in his owners circumstances. A laid back, friendly boy who is a joy to handle. He’s not a fan of other breeds but will happily ignore if they give him his space, he doesn’t really like other greyhounds encroaching on his space either but again will happily co-exist if they leave him alone. A super chap with much to give as an only dog and with humans who understand his need for distance from other dogs πŸ™‚

  • Rebel

    Racing Name: Decisive Rebel

    Date of Birth: June 2020

    What a stunner, Rebel is still in racing mode both in physique (who wouldn’t love his ripped bod??) and with the pesky critters that climb trees in the woods lol When not being taunted by the local squirrels, he walks nicely and just enjoys his strolls. Rebel has lovely manners around the kennels and just needs to realise he’s retired now πŸ™‚ Super laid back guy with other greys, was a little excited with Bugley the terrier (as was Bugley!!) but just interested not aggressive. We’ll get this super guy out to the park asap and let you know how he reacts. We’re sure he’s going to make someone a super pet πŸ™‚

  • Ruby

    Racing Name: Ballyea Ruby

    Date of Birth: July 2019

    A stunning looking girl who knows her own mind! A sweet girl but she knows what she likes, funny how the girls are always the opinionated ones lol. Is a sensitive soul when it comes to the cold but once she’s snuggly in her coat, walks well on our local walk, yet to get out and about but will keep you posted. Has met the terrier and was interested but not in a bad way, maybe just needs more exposure, which we are working on. An intelligent girl who needs some time and guidance but will make a great pet in the right home πŸ™‚

  • Sally

    Racing name: Security Sally

    Date of Birth: October 2020

    Don’t need to wax lyrical about her looks, her photo speaks for itself! A lovely girl, has met the little uns and behaved extremely well. Has been out and about quite a lot with one of our volunteers and has behaved beautifully not phased by anything so far, has also had a couple of sleepovers and has been settled and well behaved although given the chance she likes the home comforts of a sofa or even a human bed!! If you’re looking forΒ  hound about town Sally could be your girl πŸ™‚

  • Scotty

    Racing Name: Hazelwood Shot

    Date of Birth: April 2019

    A lovely stocky, bear of a hound is scotty, just can’t help but want to cuddle him πŸ™‚ Very new in but has stolen hearts here already. Was very excited initially when going out for his walks but with a harness has settled quickly into the routine here and now walks like a true gent around our local countryside, has even been out walking with Bugley the terrier and after the initial excitement walked nicely with him, even sharing sniffs! If you’ve room for a big bear in your lives, come in and meet him πŸ™‚


  • Socket

    Racing Name: Four Way Socket

    Date of Birth: April 2021

    Socket is a tall, lanky lad but still very young so hopefully he will fill out and stop looking as though he needs a good meat pie πŸ™‚ He’s going grey around his muzzle prematurely which belies his tender years. Not shy but a reserved lad who is still finding his feet with us. A real gentle soul who is taking everything in his stride so far, even his meeting with Bugley the terrier. Walks well on his lead with a halti and hasn’t given us a moments bother. A real nice boy πŸ™‚

  • Topaz

    Racing Name: Aulton Jewel

    Date of Birth: July 2020

    Bit of a stunner our Topaz and she knows it! Can be quite demanding of attention but a super sweet girl once she gets you hooked πŸ™‚ She is a larger lady but who cares with that face?? Walks well out in the woods, although she likes a squirrel but hasn’t ventured out yet, will update once she has. Met the terrier and couldn’t care less, thought he was quite fun actually. A likeable girly who loves her food and although very new has settled well. Keep your eye on this one!

  • Whitney

    Racing Name: Hollyoak Whitney

    Date of Birth: October 2018

    Acts like a 2 year old does our Whitney, think she’s still decompressing from being a racing girl to a retired one. However she walks nicely and enjoys a good fuss. She was over-excited by our little dogs but we think she needs time to adjust to retirement and enjoy the slower pace of life it brings. A bright girl who picks things up quickly so we’ve every hope that with a bit of guidance and patience she can morph into her inner couch potato lol.