
Dunrunnin Rehoming Kennels was founded by Karen Farley in September 2013, creating a new Brands Hatch Branch for the Greyhound Trust.  Along with her team of volunteers, Karen has worked hard to improve the lives of retired racing greyhounds by matching them with the perfect home.

Karen Farley - Branch Manager

Karen has been working with and training dogs for over 30 years, and had competed in both dog obedience and dog agility classes. Karen’s dedication to the welfare and happiness of the hounds in her care is reflected in her hands-on approach to running the rehoming center. Her day starts at 5am, and she is the last to leave the kennels at the end of the day, once all of her ‘smurfs’ are nicely tucked up in bed! 

Karen shares her home with Con (a first class stud dog who has fathered hundreds of dogs, we are rarely without one of his offspring in the kennels, usually recognisable by their distinctive front facing ears), Nine (who came from the local dog pound with some medical issues, including wonky hips which don’t stop him being an expert counter-surfer), and Bugley the terror – whoops sorry, I mean terrier 🤣 – all equally adorable 🥰

Bugley – Chief Greyhound Tester

After losing dear Bert the terrier, Karen said that she wouldn’t have another small dog unless one turned up on her doorstep. Lo and behold that’s exactly what Bugley did, quickly deciding Karen was his person and Dunrunnin was his home! 

Bugley is the perfect tester as he really doesn’t give a fig that he is a small dog in a big dogs world – to him all dogs are equal. We pretty much know if a hound can put up with his antics they’re probably going to be ok with any dog! Bugley is happiest when he has a friend or a toy to play with, or a warm lap to sit on. We love you Bugley!

Geoff Hough – Number 2

Meet Geoff, our second in command at Dunrunnin Kennels! Geoff has a lifetime of experience with Greyhounds, having spent many years as a Greyhound owner.

Now that Geoff is retired himself, he has time to give something back to this amazing breed, and volunteers at Dunrunnin on Mondays and Tuesdays, when he runs the kennels for Karen, to give her a well deserved rest!

Geoff has an endless supply of funny Greyhound stories, and has lots of useful hints and tips to help settle Greyhounds in their new homes

Kath & Gordon - Trustees

Kath & Gordon are now stalwarts at the kennels. Gordon can turn his hand to anything and not only makes the lovely ‘Love Murphy’ Martingale collars that we sell but also deals with our maintenance problems with a smile. Kath is the best supervisor he’s ever had 🙂 and is our go to lady for outside the box ideas and an honest opinion!! Both also walk on a regular basis, unfortunately for them they do get our more ‘interesting’ inmates to walk!! 🙂 They can also be called on at short notice for emergency vet/pickup trips – what would we do without you xx


Ian Barclay – Trustee

Ian first came to Dunrunnin in 2018 when he adopted Rudy (famous for always finding the perfect spot for a snooze wherever he may be!).  Since then he has regularly taken kennel dogs on socialisation walks, and organises our monthly group walks for adopters and local sighthound owners.  

Ian is a talented artist and is also our representative at many fairs, shows and events across the county with his stall selling artwork, crafts, etc and raising awareness of the greyhound breed and Dunrunnin.  He is also a valued member of a small team of volunteers helping to organise fundraising events throughout the year.  What would we do without you Ian!

Lou Barrett - Kennel Staff

Lou has been with us for 9 years and we are so pleased she decided to return to us after having her son in 2023.  Lou has a wealth of knowledge after being around greyhounds so long and frequently advises our new rehomers on how to settle their hounds in as smoothly as possible.  

Although her own dog Paddy, a labrador retriever, is slightly more rambunctious(!) than the average hound, we know that our greyhounds will always hold a special place in her heart 

Lesley Dalton - Kennel Staff

You never see Lesley without a broom or a cleaning cloth in her hand, she really keeps the kennels spick and span!  Lesley joined us in 2016, and we really couldn’t do without her.  Her kindness works wonders with the more needy hounds, and they all love her as her pockets are always full of tasty treats. 

Lesley has two greyhounds at home, Frankie who is a Pets As Therapy dog, and Wilma who is mummy to some of the hounds that have come through our doors. 

Lauren Smith – Kennel Staff

If you follow Tiktok you’ll know Lauren already. Lauren is not only great handling the hounds but is the brains behind most of our social media posts along with Megan (just as well as the rest of us are far too old to understand it!). 

Lauren is probably the most enthusiastic person you’ll ever meet, she loves the dogs and comes from a background of both rescue and grooming so has a wealth of knowledge to impart despite her tender years 🙂 Lauren is a vital member of the team and we hope, now that her little family is growing up, that she’ll have more time to devote to the hounds in our care.

Sophie Morrison – Kennel Staff

Sophie joined us as a walker in 2015 having previously walked for other rehoming kennels. She soon made her place with us being attracted to the more difficult hounds and having a certain way with them. 

She eventually took home Skippy who was a troubled boy but she has worked her magic and turned him into the (almost!) perfect pet – we think he knows she’d get bored if he was always good 😊. 

Sophie is a great addition to our weekend crew and we look forward to the days she is working.

Becca Notcutt – Kennel Staff

Here with us since the very beginning in 2013, Becca initially volunteered as part of her Duke of Edinburgh award.  Fast forward 11 years and she’s still a huge part of our team! 

Despite now working a full-time job Becca still finds the time to help us regularly (the pull of the greyhounds is strong!), and her calm let’s get it done attitude is invaluable on busy rehoming days.  

Amanda Gatton – Kennel Staff

Amanda first came to Dunrunnin as a volunteer walker a couple of years ago, she enjoyed being with the hounds so much that when the opportunity arose for her to join the team permanently, she didn’t hesitate.  

Now a valued member of the weekend crew, as well as her quiet no-nonsense attitude, Amanda also supplies the dogs with their lunch (they love her for it), and the rest of the team with cakes (we also love her for it) 😊

Josh – Kennel Staff

Josh has joined the team and has slotted right into the chaos here (organized chaos of course 😊) Although having no previous experience with greyhounds he and his family have had just about every other breed over the years, so the greys and their quirks don’t faze him. The greys here think he’s their best buddy due to his quiet but no nonsense approach, and of course the tattoos don’t hurt as they can relate to that lol. Welcome Josh