
Showing all 3 results

  • Bobby

    Racing Name: Geneva Bobby

    Date of Birth: May 2022

    A striking young lad who has only just joined us here at the kennels. Has been a little stressed with the move but still walks nicely and is enjoying getting out in the woods for a walk. He’s still such a young man, he has much to learn but would learn quickly in the right home. He may blossom with an older, calm doggie friend to show him the ropes. Was excited by the terrier but not aggressive, so maybe another grey or a larger breed. He really is a super boy who has all the makings of a great pet 🙂

  • George

    Racing Name: Exceed

    Date of Birth: April 2022

    Only small for a boy but packed full of charm 🙂 Walks like a dream, although he’s only done our local walks so far. Was a little scared of Bugley the terrier if the truth is known (although I’m sure he wouldn’t admit it 🙂 ) I think backing up and hiding behind Lauren’s legs gave it away!! Is trying desperately to get his kennel mate to play with him, but she’s having none of it lol A super young chap who will be full of fun once he blossoms – a great boy 🙂

  • Messi

    Racing Name: Baran Messi

    Date of Birth: April 2021

    What a pretty boy, easily mistaken for a girly 🙂 He was a bit shy the first day but soon realised we were friends not foe and is becoming a bouncy, happy chap. Walks nicely for our volunteers and is so good with his quirky kennel mate. Met Bugley the terrier and wasn’t bothered by him at all. Can be a bit protective of his food (although he’s a fussy boy!) but nothing dreadful. So far seems a really nice boy, not been out except around the kennels walks to date, but has been a real sweetie with everything he has done so far 🙂